Hello, and thank you for your interest in TopSoft’s FilterTop Project.
TopSoft, Inc., a NON-PROFIT organization made up of Macintosh developers from all around the world, has been working on a collaborative endeavor called “FilterTop,” a new breed of Macintosh utility.
FilterTop is an application that allows Macintosh files to be processed through a series of “filtering” operations. These operations are provided via plug-in modules and are configured by the user via a graphical interface.
This is the first full release version of FilterTop, a free product of TopSoft, Inc. However, it may not be the latest version. Please visit our web page at http://www.topsoft.org for details on how to obtain the most current version.
TopSoft’s Home is found on the Internet at:
Browse the web pages at:
If you do not have access to the World Wide Web,you may send EMail to:
or to:
If you do not have access to the Internet, send regular postal mail to:
TopSoft, Inc.
3247 Kenton Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
Please drag the contents of the FilterTop folder to a hard drive and then launch the FilterTop application. Help can be found within the application’s AboutBox; feel free to browse around the AboutBox, as it is another of our projects. Information regarding TopSoft can be found in the set of slides entitled “About TopSoft, Inc.”
This promotional release contains the following:
FilterTop 1.0 ƒ:
Filters:.................................the folder containing the plug-in Filters
used by FilterTop
FilterTop 1.0.....................the application
FTSlides..............................a folder of slides used in the AboutBox
FTWindow...........................a helper application that routes Filter
output to a window
TopSoft License 1.1.......our license
Warranty Disclaimer.....just in case you should go up in flames...
For Developers...:................a folder full of information should you
wish to develop your own Filters
Press Release.....................the press release document we sent out
Read Me First! ....................this document
Known Problems................a document to note known incompatibilities
Sample Toplets:.................example Toplets, which are Pipelines
of Filters
We would like to extend an invitation, via this release, to support FilterTop by writing Filters, either as a Contributing Member of TopSoft or as a third party developer.
Any bugs you might experience should be reported to ft-dev@topsoft.org